About Us

Alex Izmailov
Financial Planner

Rebecca Wynarczyk
Practice manager

Scott Sprague
Financial Planner

Nate Hintz
Financial Planner
For the last 15 years, we have been helping clients pursue their financial goals by putting clients’ interests first. Using the latest technology and custom tailored strategies, we help clients plan, grow, and preserve their wealth.
Comprehensive Financial Planning
Our Comprehensive Financial Plans allow for dynamic planning of a client’s ever evolving situation. As new needs arise or unforeseen events happen, we have the visibility to address them while planning for the future by using clients’ data that refreshes daily. This allows for more efficient financial planning updates using some automation with less administrative effort from the client.
Inside our Financial Plans, we create various scenarios to help the client understand the impact of their potential decision making when it comes to early/late retirement, moving out of state, downsizing a home, implementing risk management strategies, and other important decisions where there is uncertainty and hypothetical projections are needed.
Investment Strategies
We help the clients navigate the complex world of investment offerings including custom tailored strategies based on the client’s specific needs, time horizon, and risk profile. We offer strategies utilizing Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), stocks, and bonds. In some circumstances we also utilize mutual funds in order to access product offerings that aren’t easily accessible through other products.
Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal.
Retirement Income Planning
When clients are accumulating assets during their working years, they are primarily focused on growing their assets. When clients retire, they need to turn those assets into income. We help clients utilize income strategies by building custom strategies that help deliver income to meet their financial needs.
Risk Management Planning
Over time a client’s risk management strategy may change as they get closer to retirement years. During the accumulation years, clients might have an objective of creating wealth and protecting their loved ones in case there is an early disability or death of the breadwinner. Over time, that risk management strategy may rotate into protecting their existing assets from unforeseen health events by utilizing long-term care insurance. We help clients understand these risks through detailed analysis.